Yuval Abraham

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Yuval Abraham is an Israeli journalist and activist based in Jerusalem. Here’s a summary of his background and work:

Journalist: He works for several publications, including:

+972 Magazine: As a journalist, he covers a range of topics related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including human rights, social issues, and political developments. You can find his archived articles on the +972 Magazine website.

Middle East Eye: He contributes articles on various topics related to the Middle East, including diplomacy, societal issues, and cultural aspects.

Just Vision: He has been identified as a reporter for Local Call on their website.

Activist: He is passionate about justice and equality for all people in the region. He reportedly co-founded “Across The Wall,” a platform translating stories from Palestinians in Gaza into Hebrew, aiming to bridge understanding and foster dialogue.

Here are some additional details and areas where Yuval Abraham has focused his efforts:

Documentary filmmaking student: He is reportedly pursuing further education in filmmaking.

Arabic-to-Hebrew translator: He is fluent in both languages and translates between them, facilitating communication and understanding across cultural divides.

Overall, Yuval Abraham appears to be a multifaceted individual committed to informing the public about the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through journalism and actively promoting understanding and bridge-building between the two communities.

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